
浩博体育app announced faculty awards for research, teaching and advising at its 166th commencement.

教师 awards were given to James Briggs, professor of psychology, the 约翰·C. Horn Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Creative Activity; Peggy Peeler, 生物学教授, 唐纳德·D. 霍斯利教学奖; and Lauren Smith, 管理和市场营销讲师, the 劳伦斯的一. Lemons Distinguished Academic Advising Award.

约翰·C. Horn Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Creative Activity

Briggs joined the faculty at 浩博体育app in 2011. His scholarly interests in the environmental and neurobiological underpinnings of memory formation, memory retention and amnesia have resulted in several publications, including eight with undergraduate student co-authors. Briggs’ nominators highlighted his leadership as department head, including his mentorship of new faculty members, 他与其他部门的合作, and his work on a Middle States Reaccreditation Subcommittee and multiple university committees.

Briggs earned his bachelor’s degree from West Liberty State College followed by his master’s degree and doctorate in experimental psychology from Kent State University.

约翰·C. Horn Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Creative Activity memorializes a former long-time member and chairperson of the Board of Directors of the university. The award recognizes a faculty member for outstanding scholarship and conscientious service to the university. The recipient presents a public lecture in the following academic year.

Donald D. 霍斯利教学奖

Peeler joined the faculty at 浩博体育app in 1989. Her nominators lauded her role in improving the learning communities of her department and Susquehanna as a whole. They highlighted her efforts outside of her classes in mentoring junior faculty, running a special program for first-generation students, organizing Break Through conference sessions, and her leadership of the Women in STEM program. Her students have described her as one of the best, and someone who provides an engaging environment where students thrive.

Peeler earned her bachelor’s degree from Franklin & Marshall College, followed by her doctorate from Duke University.

唐纳德·D. 霍斯利教学奖 recognizes a former distinguished member of the faculty who served from 1967 to 2003, 当他以查尔斯B. 德根斯坦历史名誉教授.  

劳伦斯的一. 莱蒙斯杰出顾问奖

史密斯于2020年加入浩博体育app. Her students described her as an advisor whose work extends far beyond academic advising, 包括传统咨询中的角色, 实习建议, 课外学习建议, 隐藏建议及更多. As the internship advisor for the 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院, Smith streamlined and simplified the process for both students and faculty and has advised students in a diverse range of opportunities, including both domestic and international internships.

Smith earned her bachelor’s degree from 浩博体育app in 2013, followed by her Master of Business Administration from Indiana University in 2019.

劳伦斯A. 莱蒙斯杰出顾问奖 memorializes a master teacher, 公立学校领导, and devoted advisor to students who served the youth of the Nebraska Panhandle for more than 50 years.

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